How to Install MetaMask Wallet for More Secure Crypto Assets

How to Install MetaMask Wallet for More Secure Crypto Assets

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Setting up a MetaMask wallet is easy but takes time due to the fact that it has multiple security layers built in.

Go to and click “GET CHROME EXTENSION”

MetaMask is a browser extension that you can install on Chrome, Firefox and Opera. It’s also available on Brave, if you’re using that browser (and if you are, we highly recommend it).

MetaMask is available in over 20 languages so everyone can use it regardless of where they live or speak.

The best part about MetaMask is that it’s free!

After clicking on the GET CHROME EXTENSION button, a new tab will open on the site.

After clicking on the GET CHROME EXTENSION button, a new tab will open on the site. This is where you can install MetaMask.

In order to complete this process, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Click on “Add to Chrome”
  • You may see some information about permissions being requested by MetaMask and Ethereum nodes (this is normal). You can accept these permissions or choose not to install it if you prefer not having them installed on your computer or phone.
  • After installing Metamask and clicking “Done,” it will ask if you want it enabled by default when opening websites that use Ethreum based applications such as CryptoKitties and ForkDelta etc… I recommend checking off this option so that every time one of those sites loads up there won’t be any delay while waiting for Metamask’s extension window before being able to interact with any functions within them!

Enter your email address, password and other information as prompted by the site.

  • Make sure you are using a secure password.
  • Make sure you have a strong password.
  • It should be at least 8 characters long and include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter and one number (i.e., “1234abcd”).

Click “SIGN UP WITH FACEBOOK” or “SIGN UP WITH EMAIL” depending on which option you prefer.

Once you’re on the MetaMask homepage, click “SIGN UP WITH FACEBOOK” or “SIGN UP WITH EMAIL” depending on which option you prefer.

If you choose to sign up with Facebook, it’s important to note that this is the most secure option because it requires an SMS code sent directly from Facebook in order for you to confirm your account. However, if privacy is not a concern for you or if the phone number associated with your Facebook account has been deactivated (which happens often), then signing up with email will get the job done just as well and may be easier than using Facebook Messenger’s verification system.

After filling in all the required fields, click “CREATE AN ACCOUNT” at the bottom of the page and log in to your account when prompted.

To confirm your email address, click on the link that was sent to you in an email. You will also need to verify your phone number by entering the code that is sent to you via text message.

Once that’s done, it’s time to log in!

Setting up a MetaMask wallet is easy but takes time due to the fact that it has multiple security layers built in.

MetaMask is a browser extension that allows you to run Ethereum dapps right in your browser. It’s one of the most trusted and well-known wallets for storing Ethereum and ERC20 tokens.

Setting up MetaMask is easy but takes time due to the fact that it has multiple security layers built in. Once you install it, the first thing you need to do is set up a strong password or phrase (either way) so only you know what it is. This prevents someone else from accessing your funds if they were able to get access to your computer or device with MetaMask installed on it.

Once this step has been completed successfully, there’s still more work ahead! Next up: connecting all of your devices together so any changes made on one device will be reflected automatically across all connected devices (for example: if I make an ETH deposit into my wallet using my desktop computer then all other devices connected via MetaMask will show this transaction). To do this simply go into Settings > Connected Devices…


Now you have a MetaMask wallet and are ready to start using it. The process of setting up a wallet takes time due to its multiple security layers, but once you’ve done so, it’s easy enough for anyone with basic computer skills.